
Push code on AWS-Code-Commit

Securely Pushing Changes to AWS CodeCommit:🛡️

A Step-by-Step Guide 👣

  • When working with AWS CodeCommit, a secure and straightforward version control service, ensuring the correct setup of credentials is paramount.

  • Below, we’ll guide you through the process of creating IAM (Identity and Access Management) credentials, obtaining HTTPS Git credentials, and pushing changes to your AWS CodeCommit repository.

Step 1: Create IAM User for CodeCommit 👨

  • 1- Open the AWS IAM console.

  • 2- Navigate to the “Users” section and click on “Add user.”

  • 3- Provide a meaningful username and check the “Programmatic access” option.

  • 4- Attach the necessary permissions for CodeCommit (e.g., AWSCodeCommitFullAccess).

  • 5- Complete the user creation process.

Step 2: Obtain HTTPS Git Credentials 🔐

  • 1-Open the IAM user you just created and navigate to the “Security credentials” tab.

  • 2-Drop down the page and locate the “HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit (1)” section.

  • 3-Click on “Generate credentials.”

  • 4- AWS will provide a username and password for accessing the CodeCommit repository.

Step 3: Push Changes to AWS CodeCommit 🫷

  • Now that you have your credentials, follow these steps to push changes to your AWS CodeCommit repository.

3.1 Check the Git Status 🕵️

Before making any changes, check the status of your Git repository:

`git status`

3.2 Add and Commit Changes ✍🏽

Add all changes and commit them with a descriptive message:

`git add --all && git commit -am "Add new file"`

3.3 Push Changes to the CodeCommit Repository 🫷

Use the following command to push changes to the CodeCommit repository:

`git push origin master`

3.4 Enter Username and Password 🔐

When prompted, enter the AWS CodeCommit username and password provided in Step 2.

By following these steps, you can securely push your changes to AWS CodeCommit. This ensures that your version-controlled projects on AWS are up-to-date and accessible while maintaining the highest security standards. Make sure to keep your IAM credentials secure, and regularly rotate passwords for enhanced security. Happy coding!