Cloudfront Distribution with S3
1. Create S3 Bucket for Static Website Hosting 🌐
Create an S3 bucket named “”
Set the bucket as a static website page:
Open the S3 bucket and go to “Properties.”
In the last option, enable static website hosting.
2. Configure Bucket Policy for Public Access 📑
In the S3 bucket, navigate to “Permissions.”
Edit the bucket policy and add the following policy, replacing the
S3 bucket ARN:
Bucket policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "*"
3. Create CloudFront Distribution 📤
Go to CloudFront and click on “Create Distribution.”
Choose the S3 bucket as the origin domain.
Follow the snapshots as per next option .
Click on “Create Distribution” and wait for verification.
After verification, edit the settings and add the alternative domain name (alternative domain is our main domain “”)
4. Configure CloudFront Origin Domain 🌍
Go to CloudFront > Origins > Edit.
Change the origin domain value by copying the S3 static website hosting URL (without http/).
Save the changes.
5. Redirect Domain to CloudFront ↪️
- Copy the URL of the CloudFront distribution.
Create a CNAME record on Cloudflare or your domain registrar with the CloudFront URL as the value.
After populating the value, your website will display the CloudFront content.
Now, your static website is hosted on AWS S3, served through CloudFront, and secured with an ACM SSL certificate.