Creating openvpnserver and connect with local
Setting Up OpenVPN on 🇦 🇼 🇸 📡🏰
Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance 🖥️🖥
Open the AWS Console.
Navigate to the EC2 service and click “Launch an Instance.”
Step 2: Select an OpenVPN AMI 🖥️🖥🪞
In the “Browse for AMIs” section, search for “OpenVPN.”
Choose an OpenVPN Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the AWS Marketplace.
Step 3: Choose the First AMI 👈
- Select the first available OpenVPN AMI. Click “Continue.”
Step 4: Instance Configuration
Configure your EC2 instance settings as needed.
Create or select an Elastic IP for your instance.
This is essential for a stable connection.
Step 5: SSH into the Server 🖥️
- SSH into the newly created EC2 instance following the instructions provided in the screenshot.
Step 6: Set Password for User ‘openvpn’ 🔐⛓🖇
- After connecting to the server, set a password for the ‘openvpn’ user as per the screenshot’s instructions.
Step 7: Access the OpenVPN Admin UI
Open the URL provided in the last step.
Access the Admin User Interface.
Enter your username and password when prompted.
Accept the terms and conditions.
Step 8: Establish a VPN Connection
Open your web browser and navigate to the provided URL (e.g., https://5.137.451.944/).
You’ll be redirected to a login page.
Select your user-locked profile.
Step 9: 📥 Download the Configuration File
- Download the VPN configuration file to your local system.
- After downloading, rename the file to
Step 10: Connect to the VPN
Go to your local system and open the terminal.
Run the following command to establish the VPN connection:
`sudo openvpn --config /home/yahya/Downloads/yahyavpn1.ovpn`
Provide your username and password when prompted.
Step 11: Verify 🔵✔️ the Connection 🎯
Your IP address should now be changed and static, indicating a successful VPN connection.
By following these steps, you can set up OpenVPN on an AWS EC2 instance and ensure secure and private internet access.