
Creating openvpnserver and connect with local

Setting Up OpenVPN on 🇦 🇼 🇸 📡🏰

Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance 🖥️🖥

  • Open the AWS Console.

  • Navigate to the EC2 service and click “Launch an Instance.”

this is a Example of EC2 Launch Instance

Step 2: Select an OpenVPN AMI 🖥️🖥🪞

  • In the “Browse for AMIs” section, search for “OpenVPN.”

  • Choose an OpenVPN Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the AWS Marketplace.

this is a Example of AMI

Step 3: Choose the First AMI 👈

  • Select the first available OpenVPN AMI. Click “Continue.”
this is a Example of AMI
Click Continoue

Step 4: Instance Configuration

  • Configure your EC2 instance settings as needed.

  • Create or select an Elastic IP for your instance. This is essential for a stable connection.

Step 5: SSH into the Server 🖥️

  • SSH into the newly created EC2 instance following the instructions provided in the screenshot.
follow the instruction
follow the instruction

Step 6: Set Password for User ‘openvpn’ 🔐⛓🖇

  • After connecting to the server, set a password for the ‘openvpn’ user as per the screenshot’s instructions.
Set password

Step 7: Access the OpenVPN Admin UI

  • Open the URL provided in the last step.

  • Access the Admin User Interface.

  • Enter your username and password when prompted.

  • Accept the terms and conditions.

Open URL

Step 8: Establish a VPN Connection

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the provided URL (e.g., https://5.137.451.944/).

  • You’ll be redirected to a login page.

  • Select your user-locked profile.

Press agree

Step 9: 📥 Download the Configuration File

  • Download the VPN configuration file to your local system.
Choose Your System
  • After downloading, rename the file to 'user1.ovpn.'

Step 10: Connect to the VPN

  • Go to your local system and open the terminal.

  • Run the following command to establish the VPN connection:

    `sudo openvpn --config /home/yahya/Downloads/yahyavpn1.ovpn`
  • Provide your username and password when prompted.

Step 11: Verify 🔵✔️ the Connection 🎯

  • Your IP address should now be changed and static, indicating a successful VPN connection.

  • By following these steps, you can set up OpenVPN on an AWS EC2 instance and ensure secure and private internet access.